domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010

iGiveTest 2 Nulled

iGiveTest 2 Nulled
Examen_en_php.rar - 9.0 Mb

You can:

* ask any kind of question (true / false, multiple choice, short answer, essay, questions with more than one correct answer), and select questions from any question set at your own choosing;
* choose how to mark each question (for example, 2 points for a correct answer, 0.5 points for a partially correct answer, and 0 for an incorrect answer);
* format the text, add graphics, formulas, animation, and audio and video files;
* set up a style for your tests;
* create a bank of questions;
* import questions from almost any text documents;
* place an introductory text at the start of the test or before any question;
* shuffle your questions / answers;
* display one question per page or all questions on one page;
* define your own grading scale;
* create a password to access a test;
* assign a test to a certain group of users;
* provide a guest access to the testing system;
* create administrators, instructors, operators (for entering questions), regular users, and guests, and set their permissions accordingly;
* automatically send out testing results to any group of users by email (there are different features for adjusting custom email templates);
* automatically generate and put any data to reports/certificates about successful passing in PDF;
* view/manage testing results for each user or group of users;
* gather statistics from the answers to each question;
* and more...

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