The Envato Statistics Dashboard..
Some features
overview of how many sales, hits, and earnings you have made today
recent item sales
item hits and unique visitors
pay rates
daily item sales vs. item visits
browser breakdown (firefox, ie, safari, etc..) of item viewers
show data in your local time zone
currency conversions (for those non US authors)
average of how much you earn per day
Shows your most recent comments across all items (even replies hidden half way through the list) – link to the comment so you can reply
a new “this time in history” on the Sales vs Visitor graph, so you can see how you are performing right now compared to previous days.
new round robin’ish caching code to increase page load times for people with 20+ items
better countdown for next pay rise, eg: 6 days, $321, 73 sales left until you reach 45%
auto refresh every 10 minutes
quick summary in title bar (gmail style) of todays sale and comment count
This app requires the use of your envato details, so I have decided to not provide a live preview.
Multiserver mirror @
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