viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010

E-Bay Clone

E-Bay Clone

*** Install Instructions ***

Note: Zeeways no longer sells this script or supports it!

There are No Installation Instructions!

And the Script is Encoded via IonCube So You Must Enable an IonCube Loader!

Installation Procedures:

1. Open php.ini or php5.ini (whichever version of php you are using, if unsure try or create php5.ini first then php.ini, and install it in your root directory.

2. In the Install:IonCube Folders you will see IonCube Loaders.

Make sure you set the following path to your IonCube Loader as follows (inserting your actual directory for the “…”).

Don’t forget to change ebayclone to whatever you are actually calling the directory:

Add the following line to your php5.ini or php.ini file located in your root directory:

zend_extension = /home/content/…/html/ebayclone/install/ioncube/

3. Modify myconnect.php located in the install folder and the admin folder.

You have to modify both myconnect.php files for your ebayclone to work.

Insert your mysql database host, user and database names and password, site url and email.

4. Administrative Login=admin – Password = admin


TECH INFO: mysql config table = zeeauctions_config


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